Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Oh Me Oh My I do Love Y's ;)

Bloggers been a bugger to me this week and uploads have been le nighmare BUT it finally seems to be working again so I am catching up on my posts! I finally decided to get some new land YAY!
Its a work in progress but I managed to get away from the plain sandy beach look ;)
I love the Y's house Omoya home and have been eagerly waiting the release of her next house.

I was SO excited to discover that she has released the lovely Voletta screen I have long admired and is now avaliable in 2 versions.

AND she has released her remade drawers which have the cutest poses and the drawers also change colour OH YAY!

So, what better way to kill the time of waiting for the gorgeous new house but to snap up a few purchases n head to my home to start redecorating :)

I absolutely adore my older colourful bed but I finally got me one of Miabella's Heirloom beds so am playing around with a more streamlined look for spring. The heirloom beds are ONLY out as long as the Melt event is running so if, like me, you have missed them in the past GRAB THEM QUICK.


Pour son amour ot cest essoyne said...

How did you mod you Omoya and make it so big?! I've been fiddling around with it trying to widen the space.

Pour son amour ot cest essoyne said...
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