Monday, 15 February 2010

Cupids Garden

OK so I totally FAIL at resisting the urge not to blog and although I have done a run of Freebie Rooms I do promise I will get back to blogging other items not just freebies soon. So on my last tip o the cap to valentines day I created not a freebie room, more of a freebie garden. Enjoy ;)

Gorgeous swing bench from Rucott in the Cupids Heart Hunt. Tree with the rose petals Valentine gift from BCD I think it was the starlust hunt gift.

ROFL so cute, I tried not to scare my good guy pal Kael who valiently volunteered to humour me and show off the poses in these gifts. He is a good sport. Cute cushion free in the M2M hunt, which varies from 0 - $10 but has cute stuffs.

Ahhhhhhhhh I love this, cute cute garden with balloons n poses n flowers YAY, a super generous group gift from MB-CrationZ <3.> Finally, 2 scenes from the stunning Starlust hunt gift from Kusshon. Its so cute and comes with candles, rose petals, rugs n smoochie poses galore. I am showing you the tame ones cos yanno, poor Kael ;))


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