Saturday 13 February 2010

Twas the day before Valentines

and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a mou......... NIMS!
Ssssssssssh, don't wake her ;)
I have been planning on doing a Valentines Version of a Freebie Room but was lacking inspiration until I received the wonderful group notice that Amalicious Destiny had put her gorgeous Dreams sky box on her lucky board for a limited time. YAY so I grabbed me some of that stylish pink loveliness and I was off!
The plant is part of the valentines freebie set from Urbanzied, its not around for much longer so grab it while you can. The planter changes colour so its great fun. The bed and lamp are from PopArt which I discovered through the lovely Jennaa Loire whose blog I have admired for ages. Imagine how happy I was when she took up the freebie room challenge YAY. See her gorgeous room here The bed and lamp are $1 each, EVERYTHING at PopArt is $1 I LoVE IT! The pictures are a group gift from a place I just discovered called *Le Melange* and are so cute, I took a close up so you could see them better.
Ah so back to the day before valentines and what to wear? XD! The cute undies and shoes and bracelet worn here and above are a gift on the Starlust Hunt which rocks. The stool is a camp prize from one of my faves Muu's Workshop. Oh and rug is from Y's, I never get bored of these rugs and are still at Albero, although I am not sure for how long.
Still sleepy and a big stretch before chugging that cup of coffee and writing all those last minute love notes and valentines cards *cough*. Table MMG's. Plant and books from PopArt, Candle is a gift from What Next OMG I love that store. Picture board is the starlust gift from Molto Bene and you can add 3 of your own pics. Love notes are from Atelier AM and are part of their Cupids Heart Hunt Gifts. So I finally wake up that sleepy head and wander into the lounge, just enough time to stretch out on my new sofa and daydream about all those valentines I am going to get.../me watches that flying pig fly over head XD! Sofa, Rug, Shelf & items, Cushions ALL yes ALL are a gift from What Next gorgeous gorgeous GORGEOUS <3>
So a while later I have got my lazy ass into a dress and layed the table with valentines goodies and lit the fire and now all I need to do is wait for my romeo (whoever he may be) to appear ;)) Well you never know...................... ;))
Table & chairs and valentines goodies all a gift for the lovely Beolas of Kusshon ;)) Rugs Y's and fire from PopArt <3

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